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Summaries prepared by the LABI staff for the Louisiana Constitutional Amendments on the March 29, 2025 ballot.
LA23, now the movement known as LA Driven, is a bold initiative to position Louisiana as an economic leader in the South, crafted through extensive research and a vetting process with a broad array of stakeholders. The mission of LA23 was to define and articulate key issues that face the people and businesses of Louisiana.
The Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) is embarking on a four-part series to increase public understanding of Louisiana’s judiciary in the hopes of implementing best practices that will promote trust in our vast court system. To achieve this goal, LABI is steered by three major guideposts: greater access, transparency and efficiency. One path to improved transparency and access is simply through modernization of the court system. LABI will publish four installments in this series aimed at doing just that.
Summary prepared by the LABI staff for the Louisiana Constitutional Amendments on the Dec. 5, 2020 ballot.
Summaries prepared by the LABI staff for the Louisiana Constitutional Amendments on the Nov. 3, 2020 statewide ballot.
Worried About a Lawsuit? Learn More About COVID-19 Liability Protections
With recent developments leaving many business owners with unanswered questions about liability protections during the COVID-19 pandemic, LABI has assembled two documents to help companies and their employees understand the legal guidelines. Anticipating the possibility for opportunistic litigation, LABI worked with Rep. Thomas Pressly (R-Shreveport) during the Legislature's regular session to pass HB 826, a bill that specifically addresses COVID-19 liability for businesses. • To read a brief overview of the legislation and its provisions, click HERE • To read a more detailed summary of HB 826, click HERE
Employers frequently identify a shortage of qualified, skilled workers as one of the top challenges to growing their company in Louisiana.
The Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) and the Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana (PAR) are collaborating to survey the workforce needs, training and partnerships of the state’s employers.
Click HERE for the Workforce Survey.
Summaries prepared by LABI Staff for the Louisiana Constitutional Amendments on the October 12th Statewide Ballot.
This spreadsheet outlines significant tax bills passed by the Louisiana Legislature with an impact on business from FY16-FY23.
This report outlines the facts of why the Industrial Tax Exemption Program (ITEP) matters and how it clearly brings opportunity and prosperity to families, workers, local governments and businesses of all sizes in Louisiana. LABI strongly supports a robust Industrial Tax Exemption Program to help overcome persistent challenges facing Louisiana employers and to bring high-wage jobs and opportunity to Louisiana families.
Summaries prepared by LABI Staff for the Louisiana Constitutional Amendments on the November 6th Statewide Ballot.
Act 1 of the 2018 2nd special session greatly improves the content of Louisiana’s existing fiscal transparency website and expands the entities that participate in it. LABI and the coalition applaud our elected officials for taking this important step toward improving public trust and look forward to monitoring implementation of the website going forward.
The full picture shows that businesses are paying more than their “fair share.” In an overly complex tax code, corporations are being treated much the same as individuals when it comes to exemptions, while paying above the national average of state and local taxes overall.
The LABI staff has prepared a document with information about our positions on the Constitutional amendments that will appear on the October 14th statewide ballot.
LABI has prepared a document to address the myths and facts about equal pay in Louisiana.
LABI has prepared a brief overview of the proposed Commercial Activity Tax (CAT). This is a tax on the gross receipts or revenue of all businesses operating in Louisiana, except those with receipts less than $150,000. Beginning January 1, 2018, the CAT would be imposed on every corporation, partnership, LLC, association, or anyone doing business in the state above that threshold.
At the March 13th Policy Briefing for member companies, LABI distributed a brief overview of the recommendations of the Transportation Infrastructure Investment Task Force created by Governor John Bel Edwards in 2016. LABI has long acknowledged the critical importance of sound multi-modal infrastructure to economic growth and quality of life in Louisiana. LABI looks forward to evaluating the administration's specific proposals in the upcoming regular legislative session.
At the December 12th Informational Tax Briefing, LABI issued a brief summary of the recommendations of the HCR11 Task Force on Structural Changes in Budget and Tax Policy. The document highlights the most relevant suggestions for the business community by the Task Force on the state budget, sales tax, property tax, corporate income and franchise tax, and individual income tax.
LABI offered public testimony in October 2016 to the SCR6 Task Force, which was established to study ad valorem taxation in Louisiana and related credits. LABI's presentation focused on the inventory tax and the Industrial Property Tax Exemption.
Outcomes from the 2016 Second Special Session of the Louisiana Legislature
Read LABI’s written testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee on the Net Operating Loss (NOL) provision, Subchapter S Corporation law, the inventory tax credit, sales tax exemptions on business utilities, and sales tax exemptions on the purchase of manufacturing machinery and equipment.
New report detailing the outcomes of the recently concluded special session on fiscal reform, called by Gov. John Bel Edwards to address a multi-year deficit in state government.
Learn about the technical details of the tax bills that passed during the 2016 special session and how those measures could affect business.
Better understand the Louisiana state budget and what we can do to fix it.
In LABI's Take 5: Tax Policy, learn about the top five areas that LABI recommended Louisiana tackle to address the state budget challenges.
In LABI's Take 5: Small Business, find out what is best for Louisiana small businesses when it comes to policy implementation.
In LABI's Take 5: K-12 Education, learn about the five recommendations LABI believes should be a part of the administration, legislative and BESE agendas to provide quality education to every Louisiana citizen.
In LABI's Take 5: Workers' Compensation, LABI offers five recommendations for enhancing the workers' compensation system's effectiveness and efficiency.
In LABI's Take 5: Tax Principles, learn about the top five qualities of an improved tax system that will lead to comprehensive tax reform.
In LABI's Take 5: Government Reform, LABI encourages the legislature and governor to consider five recommendations when attempting to design a retirement system that is affordable, sustainable and secure for Louisiana residents.
An overview of the impact of new Louisiana tax laws opposed by LABI in the 2015 legislative session,
LABI and LCTCS have published “An Invisible Giant: The Maritime Industry in Louisiana”, a study that highlights the maritime sector’s sizable economic impact and the challenge of filling the workforce needs of maritime companies.
LABI report analyzes the operations of Louisiana's legal system, seeks to improve state’s litigious environment.