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Technology constantly changes the way we live, work, and socialize. Innovations and technological advancements stimulate our economy, improve workplace training programs and make it easier for businesses to deliver goods and services to the ever-expanding marketplace.

The relationship between technology developers and the businesses that rely on their products to operate is vital. It is important for businesses to partner with academic research and development institutions to help speed up the commercialization of budding technologies so these advancements can be brought to the marketplace more quickly. It is also important to recognize and safeguard against the cybersecurity threats which jeopardize both the assets and growth of Louisiana businesses

The council will actively support technology policies that improve the strength and competitiveness of Louisiana businesses and industries in the global marketplace.

Major Issues.

Fiscal Transparency

LABI Position: Support efforts to increase the transparency of state and local government operations and enhance public online access to information.

Government Efficiency

LABI Position: Support efforts to operate state government in a more efficient, cost-effective and fiscally responsible manner, including privatizing state government services where feasible, and the utilization of technology.

Internet Regulation

LABI Position: Oppose legislation and regulations that impose costly and unnecessary obligations on companies that make use of the Internet in their business model. 


LABI Position: Support policies that encourage private investments in Louisiana from technology companies. Investing in advanced technology infrastructure is necessary to support new innovations and the explosion of technology usage. Extending broadband services to more Louisianans will create jobs, lead to the development of new, innovative products and fuel economic growth. It will connect Louisiana citizens to educational and employment opportunities and open the door to better, less expensive health care. Louisiana should be technologically neutral and support an all-of-the-above approach to connecting more Louisianans. Oppose legislation which would seek to regulate the internet or broadband as a utility. To ensure universal connectivity, the state should responsibly award available broadband funding to private sector providers using a competitive grant process that allows applicants to define project areas to include locations eligible for funding.

Current Issues.

Education: Because the pace of technology continually increases, our teaching methods must adapt to this ever-changing environment. Support expanding electronic distance learning systems that give equal access to all students.

Gig Economy: The gig economy has proven to be a lifeline to many during tough economic times. Oppose proposals to reclassify independent contractors as employees as they will hurt both workers and businesses.

Patent Enforcement: A strong patent system is needed to support emerging technologies and innovative ideas. Continue to safeguard the patent process to help protect intellectual property rights. Also, support efforts to deter bad faith patent enforcement.

Research and Development Incentives: Support the expansion of incentives designed to aid our state’s research and development industries.

Innovative Technologies: Oppose unreasonable policies which would make Louisiana less welcoming to innovative companies, including legislation to prohibit innovators from conducting live testing of new products or services in a controlled environment. 

Sales Tax Exemption for Research & Development: Support sales tax exemptions for the cost of material and equipment purchased for the purpose of research and development.

Tax Incentives: Support the availability of fair and equitable tax incentives for economic development, including those for job retention, job creation, and facility modernization. Support business tax measures that encourage the retention or relocation of jobs and businesses to this state. Oppose efforts to weaken Louisiana’s existing economic development incentives.

Technology Transfer & Commercialization: Promote technology transfer and commercialization of innovative ideas from our state’s universities and colleges to support economic development and entrepreneurship while encouraging collaboration with industry.

Worker Training: Study and develop legislation that would allow businesses, small businesses in particular, greater access and flexibility in the use of monies for worker training specific to technology.

Ongoing Policy.

Cybersecurity Issues: Support continued research, innovation and collaboration between government, educational institutions and the business community to foster a secure infrastructure environment for commercial, consumer and intellectual property protection, public safety and privacy. Support education of the business community of cybersecurity threats and best practices to mitigate these threats. Promote and support investment in cybersecurity protections, including advanced software tools, best-practice preparations, employee training, and incident response planning, in state and federal government.

Technology Contracts: To increase business participation and competition for state government technology contracts and initiatives, LABI supports efforts to make technology-related requests for proposals easily available online to the technology community at large.


Jim Patterson serves as Director of the Technology Council. In this capacity, his responsibilities include technology issues that impact Louisiana’s businesses.


Jim Patterson

Director, Technology Council, LABI

Shawn Usher

Chair, Technology Council