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Current Session Issues.

LABI’s LA Driven strategic plan will continue to guide advocacy efforts and policy priorities during 2025. The upcoming fiscal Legislative Session presents an opportunity for historic tax reform that will finally provide both job creators and individuals with a fair, predictable and simple tax structure that will allow Louisiana to compete with our southern neighbors. Relative to the upcoming Legislative fiscal session, LABI will advocate for pro-growth policies that will incentivize investment and tackle long-standing burdens that have placed Louisiana at a competitive disadvantage for decades. Specifically, LABI will urge the Governor and lawmakers to:

  • Create a modern, fair and stable tax system and economic development structure that encourages investment and job growth;
  • Enact measures that aim to attract more insurers to the market and lower insurance-related costs by promoting transparency and fairness in Louisiana’s legal system;
  • Enhance transparency, accountability and efficiency across state government relative to operations and project delivery, specifically in the Department of Transportation & Development (DOTD) to create a safe and sustainable transportation system for a modern economy;
  • Prioritize workforce development solutions that prepare Louisianans for high-wage, high-demand jobs to keep our best and brightest home while improving Louisiana’s attractiveness as a destination for job creators and families;
  • Support business, policy, community leaders and stakeholders in promoting access to high-quality early childhood education to ensure families have the resources they need to participate in the workforce.

To receive current daily legislative updates, sign up for our Daily ReCap e-newsletters HERE.


The 2025 Regular Legislative Session will convene at noon on Monday, April 14, 2025. Final adjournment will be no later than 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 12, 2025.

We encourage LABI members to join us at the Capitol to weigh in during hearings throughout the session. Please contact LABI’s Jim Patterson at for more information on how you can offer testimony.