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LABI serves its broad membership by working towards the singular goal of fostering a climate for economic growth through consistently championing the principles of the free enterprise system. LABI sets the standard for advocacy, providing policymakers with the information and perspective necessary to advance sound public policy that supports strong economic growth. LABI is proud to be Louisiana’s official state partner to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Louisiana’s official state chapter for the National Association of Manufacturers.

Strength in Numbers

Our strength comes from our members. Representing more than 2,000 Louisiana employers, we are the only association that represents businesses of all sizes from a statewide, multi-industry perspective. Together, we are creating a shared, collaborative vision for the future of free enterprise in Louisiana.

Our Members Stand For…

A straightforward and competitive tax structure.

A strong, robust education and workforce development system that prepares Louisianans to compete in the marketplace.

Fiscal responsibility and transparency in government. A positive labor environment that promotes job creation.

A free enterprise system that limits government intrusion in the marketplace.

Fair and stable laws and regulations that encourage economic development and do not mandate unreasonable costs on businesses and consumers.

For 50 years, LABI has used its credibility and influence to affect legislative change and create a pro-business climate to grow Louisiana’s economy. 

Examples of LABI’s Impact Include:

  • Enactment of the Right-To-Work Law
  • Enactment of the inventory tax credit
  • Elimination of the franchise tax on business investment debt
  • Realization of the sales tax exemption for manufacturing machinery and equipment
  • Actualization of the sales tax exemption for business utilities
  • Realization of a series of tort reforms
  • Implementation of several workers’ comp reforms
  • Implementation of several unemployment compensation reforms
  • Enactment of incumbent worker and small business employee training funds
  • Creation of the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation
  • Enactment of law and policy that created one of the best systems of school choice in the nation
  • Reorganization of the Louisiana Department of Labor into the Louisiana Workforce Commission
  • Implementation of significant lawsuit reforms