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Legislative Priorities.

Current Session Issues

LABI’s LA Driven strategic plan will continue to guide advocacy efforts and policy priorities during 2025. The upcoming fiscal Legislative Session presents an opportunity for historic tax reform that will finally provide both job creators and individuals with a fair, predictable and simple tax structure that will allow Louisiana to compete with our southern neighbors. Specific to the upcoming Legislative fiscal session, LABI will advocate for pro-growth policies that will incentivize investment and tackle long-standing burdens that have placed Louisiana at a competitive disadvantage for decades.

Specifically, LABI will urge the Governor and lawmakers to:

  • Create a modern, fair and stable tax system and economic development structure that encourages investment and job growth;
  • Enact measures that aim to attract more insurers to the market and lower insurance-related costs by promoting transparency and fairness in Louisiana’s legal system;
  • Enhance transparency, accountability and efficiency across state government relative to operations and project delivery, specifically in the Department of Transportation & Development (DOTD) to create a safe and sustainable transportation system for a modern economy;
  • Prioritize workforce development solutions that prepare Louisianans for high-wage, high-demand jobs to keep our best and brightest home while improving Louisiana’s attractiveness as a destination for job creators and families;
  • Support business, policy, community leaders and stakeholders in promoting access to high-quality early childhood education to ensure families have the resources they need to participate in the workforce.

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Health Care

LABI encourages a cost-effective, competitive health care market as an incentive to economic growth, while assuring that consumers in Louisiana continue to receive high-quality, accessible and affordable health care.

LABI opposes the adoption of a single-payer, government-run health care system and takes an active role in public policy that would affect health care costs and outcomes, an employer’s right to contract, or an employer’s flexibility to determine and provide employee benefits.

Recognizing the importance of the health care industry to Louisiana’s economic development, LABI supports creative iniatives to grow a qualified allied health workforce and strong in-state capacity for medical research.

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Trade, Transportation and Tourism

LABI recognizes the direct correlation between a thriving business community and investing in a safe and sustainable transportation system. A modernized infrastructure system across all modes of transportation is paramount in fueling Louisiana’s economy, and LABI is focused on common sense policies and reforms geared to increase statewide productivity, enhance businesses’ ability to move their products across the nation, and remain globally relevant.

LABI encourages the enactment and enforcement of state and federal laws and policies that promote long-term solutions to Louisiana’s transportation needs, free flow of national and international trade, and the state’s unique tourism attractions.

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Technology constantly changes the way we live, work, and socialize. Innovations and technological advancements stimulate our economy, improve workplace training programs and make it easier for businesses to deliver goods and services to the ever-expanding marketplace.

The relationship between technology developers and the businesses that rely on their products to operate is vital. It is important for businesses to partner with academic research and development institutions to help speed up the commercialization of budding technologies so these advancements can be brought to the marketplace more quickly. It is also important to recognize and safeguard against the cybersecurity threats which jeopardize both the assets and growth of Louisiana businesses.

The council will actively support technology policies that improve the strength and competitiveness of Louisiana businesses and industries in the global marketplace.

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Taxation and Finance

LABI will actively work for the enactment of fiscal policies that promote a stronger state economy, with a focus on private sector job creation. Businesses in Louisiana pay a disproportionate share of the tax burden as compared with other states. This places our state at a significant disadvantage in the competition for business investment and the jobs it creates. LABI will promote constructive reforms that ensure our state’s economic development while securing sufficient revenues for appropriate government services at both the state and local levels.

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Small Business

The small business community in Louisiana plays a vital role in Louisiana’s economy. Growth will greatly depend on maintaining a healthy industrial base coupled with a thriving small business community. More than 75% of LABI’s membership is comprised of small businesses with fewer than 100 employees. LABI recognizes the concerns of small business and over the growing risk of liability associated with routine business operations and governmentally imposed costs and regulations.

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Governmental Reform

LABI encourages the enactment and enforcement of state laws and policies that are honest, fair, transparent and responsible, allowing all citizens to participate in electoral and governmental processes.

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Environmental Quality

LABI’s goal is to protect and improve the environment while maintaining a strong economic base.

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LABI represents energy producing, transporting and consuming industries. We will continue to support energy policies that will promote high-paying jobs in this industry that help our resilient service companies thrive. We oppose the abusive litigation that has directly contributed to this sector’s decline and will delay and/or derail its recovery. We promote production of all forms of energy at competitive prices, opposing increased unreasonable taxes and fees on energy sources, encouraging conservation of resources, and balancing environmental concerns with energy production and usage.

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Employee Relations

The Employee Relations Council will support efforts to make Louisiana’s workers’ compensation (WC) system more balanced and less costly. In most other respects, Louisiana’s employment laws are generally viewed as employer friendly when compared to other states. Unfortunately, each session, bills are filed to expose employers to lawsuits from their employees and/or restrict employers’ ability to manage their workers efficiently and productively. This year will be no different, and LABI will once again be ready to defend against such legislative intrusion in the workplace.

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Education and Workforce Development

For decades, LABI has fought to ensure students have access to a high-quality education that produces the skills needed to thrive in the workforce. LABI has consistently advocated for students, parents, taxpayers, and employers alike and will continue to champion an education system that prepares students for high-wage, high-demand jobs and invests in life-long learners. While Louisiana has made real progress, much work remains. LABI will continue to emphasize educational excellence as essential for improving the attractiveness of Louisiana as a destination for families, and to prepare the state’s future workforce.

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Civil Justice Reform

Louisiana’s liability exposure is a major concern to individuals, government, professionals and businesses, both large and small. We know for Louisiana’s economy to improve, it is necessary that its civil justice system improves. We will defend the meaningful reform made in 2020 and continue to fight to further improve Louisiana’s judicial system.

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